Movie Games

Top 5 Easiest Movie Games To Make

Hollywood has had an ongoing dream of successfully adapting a popular video game franchise. A long, happy dream of milking an existing franchise down to the bones without creating original art. Sadly, this dream has turned into a never-ending nightmare. All they’ve done is take popular video games and regurgitate them into unrecognizable messes that no-one wants to touch.

The problem isn’t that they are adapting video games; it’s that they are adapting tricky ones. Games like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Far Cry, Warcraft, and Assassins Creed simply can’t be made into films yet. Hollywood needs to go through a learning curve first, before spiking the difficulty up. They shouldn’t go after video games that require an encyclopedia to decipher the story. No, they should go after video games that feel familiar and are easy to understand.

What kind of games are these, you ask? Well, video games where the plot usually sets up the conflict, then take a back seat. Video games that focus on fun, memorable characters, as well as intense action sequences. The kinds of video games that please the crowd.

Once Hollywood masters and understands these, only then can they move up to more difficult ones. But which video game titles should they attempt? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Here are the top 5 easiest video movies to make.

5. Mortal Kombat

First of all, I know that they’ve already made two Mortal Kombat movies. Mortal Kombat (1995) was directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. Admittedly, he didn’t do a bad job. All he made was a dumb, fun, and goofy time-waster of a film. It offered decent fight scenes and a killer theme song.

But, be honest: the Mortal Kombat games share the same symptoms as the movie did. All the games have a ludicrous plot, goofy levels of violence, and cartoon characters.

Paul W.S Anderson didn’t do a bad job adapting that. Sure, it was neutered by the PG-13 rating so that it couldn’t have brutal fatalities. However, if they took this film and gave it better effects, acting, and stamped that lovely R rating on there; they would have a hit.

The groundwork is already laid out for them. They need to build upon it. Multiple sources reported the new Mortal Kombat film would be rated R and feature fatalities. So, the new film is on the right track.

4. Devil May Cry

A Devil May Cry film was announced back in 2011. Screen Gems obtained the rights and enlisted Kyle Ward to write the screenplay. He is most (in)famous for Underworld: Blood Wars and Machete Kills. However, no news of the film’s production for years.

Netflix has announced an animated Devil May Cry and produced by Adi Shankar. Proud producer of the well-received Castlevania the animated series. So, fans have that to look forward to, but it’s not the same.

A heavily stylized live-action would rock! The Devil May Cry franchise has always been style over substance. Rocking music, over the top anime like fights, and a fun lighthearted character that can carry the entire movie. Make Dante a badass, pulling off impossible feats and looking good while blasting rocking music is all you need for the film.

I know the perfect director for Devil May Cry. Edgar Allen Wright is the perfect director. If you have Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, then you know I chose Edgar Wright.

3. Halo

I’ll admit it- so far, my list only contains franchises that treat the story as an afterthought. Halo, however, puts the story first. The first three Halo games are known for its incredible storytelling. So why is Halo on the list? Well, this might be cheating because there are books based on the Halo franchise.

Hollywood does have a good track record with movie-book adaptations like the Harry Potter franchise. If they adopted the books of Halo and followed them well, technically, it still counts as a movie video game because the books are based on the video game.

2. God Of War (2005)

I’m genuinely surprised that no-one has made a God of War movie yet. Not the recent one: the first installment in 2005. It’s a simple revenge plot of an angry man, Kratos, getting revenge on the murder of his family, but on a godly scale.

The first game has Kratos massacring his way through Olympus, so he could kill Ares the God of War (the guy who tricked Kratos into killing his people and including his family). Kratos isn’t a deep character, but he sure is very entertaining. Two hours of him killing Greek gods and creatures in glory is an instant crowd-pleasure.


Behold! The easiest movie game to make in all of the infinite realities, DOOM. The plot can be summarized quite easily: An angry man finds hell invasions boring, so he invades hell instead. Character development? Overrated. We only need the Doom Slayer’s chainsaw having a lovely reunion with a demon’s internal organs.

Making a DOOM movie should be the ultimate crowd-pleaser. I’m not kidding when I say this: fans only want two hours of ultra-violence and Mic Gordon’s amazing soundtrack.

It splits my head in half knowing that Hollywood vomited out two DOOM movies. DOOM (2005) starring The Rock was a complete disappointment. It had an R rating, The Rock, and rocking music. The three sacred Rs, and it still squander it. However, what if I told you the 2005 version became a masterpiece thanks to the upcoming DOOM movie.

Doom: Annihilation (2019) trailers don’t show the Doom Slayer. Instead, we get this person.

They must have overlooked the fact that DOOM’s story is like porn – nice to have, but completely unnecessary. The story so far seems to be written by the laziest sloth. The demons have no color to them and I have yet to hear any amazing heavy metal music.

Here’s what I recommend. Take Doom: Annihilation behind the shed and Old Yeller it. Hire people who understand the source material and do exactly what I said early above, then bam! You got yourself a summer blockbuster success.

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