THQ Nordic announced today that the beloved sponge’s most popular game, Battle for Bikini Bottom, will be remade. This is in the form of SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated.
The remake will include new features such as a new multiplayer mode known as “horde” mode. This mode will be able to be played online or through couch co-op. It will also include originally cut content like boss battles.
The original game was mildly received back in 2003. With SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated, they could vastly improve the game shortcomings. Hopefully, providing a superior experience akin to what RE 2 did.
The collect-a-thon 3D platform will be hopping its way over to PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch. However, no release date has been announced yet. revived
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