Telltale Games, the Studio Behind “The Wolf Among Us” and “The Walking Dead” is Closing Their Doors

There have been multiple troubling reports that Telltale Games will be filing for bankruptcy and closing down. In turn, projects like Wolf Among Us 2 and Stranger Things would have to be – sadly – canceled.

The co-founder of Telltale Games made a blog post, though it was not an official statement as clarified in the footer of the post. His blog goes into great depth how this decision saddens him that so many talented workers were laid off.

Telltale Games focuses on narrative, point-and-click adventure games like The Walking Dead, Batman, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc. A majority of their games have been critical successes, but Telltale Games states it “did not translate to sales”.

Any employees affected by the closure is tweeting #TelltaleJobs on Twitter, as reported by US Gamer. The last remaining 25 employees at the studio are obligated to finish their current client’s project.  The last project they’re working on is not the final season of The Walking Dead, but rather the Minecraft Story Mode project for Netflix.

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