PlayStation will be allowing users to change their PSN IDs. Xbox has had this ability since the Xbox 360 and Nintendo also allows name changes on its consoles. PlayStation, on the other hand, never budged until now. When released, you will able to change the PSN ID via your profile settings.
The first change will be free and any following changes will come with a small fee. Users that are not a part of PlayStation Plus will be charged $10 while its PS Plus counterpart will be charged $5. If you worry your friends won’t recognize your new name, you can display your old ID next to it, if you so choose. This is something you cannot change further down the line, so you have to really think about it.
The ability to change your PSN ID may seem nice but, it does come with an issue. Games released before April 1, 2018, may have compatibility problems. Though, Sony tries to remedy this by mentioning the top-played games will not have this issue.
This feature will roll out of PlayStation’s Preview Program early 2019. Until then, you’ll just have to live with Xx360N0Sc0pexX.