PSN ID Change Feature Won’t Affect Destiny 2

Most users should be aware, at this point, that you will soon be able to change your PSN ID. We reported on the announcement when it was in its preview stages and the updated info we got on the caveats of changing your ID. Many ResetEra users found those factors to be too damning and a risk they won’t take.

One caveat that made itself known was its incompatibility with some games released before a specific point. This would mean if you chose to change your PSN ID, trophies, game progress, and DLC could be lost. To soften the blow, Bungie, the developer behind the 2017 MMO shooter; Destiny 2 told players of their game that they shouldn’t experience any negative effects.

That being said, Bungie community manager, Dylan Gafner responded to a thread on Reddit that their game shouldn’t be affected by changing your PSN ID. He also made sure to tell users they cannot confirm that his claim was true until “they’ve completed their work”. But, as far as Bungie’s concerned, everything from your game progress to the embalms that were ported from its predecessor should remain unaffected.

The original Destiny, however, seems to run into some potential issues. The issues include failing to join friends, signing into a character or some variant of an error code during gameplay. Though, Gafner is confident this won’t affect a majority of users or if this is a big deal at all.

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