More NES Classics are Coming to Nintendo Switch Online

One of the biggest draws to Nintendo’s online service was the ability to play classic NES titles like Ghosts n’ Goblins, ExcitebikeDouble Dragon, Dr. Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and more. This was a feature that Nintendo wasn’t going to drop and leave, they are adding games from time to time.

Every month there are new classics to the roster. New games that are coming this year include NES Tournament Golf, Super Dodge Ball, and Solomon’s Key coming this month; Metroid, Mighty Bomb Jack, and TwinBee is coming in November; and Wario’s Woods, Ninja Gaiden, and Adventures of Lolo are being released in December.

The Nintendo Switch Online service is fairly priced with individual and family prices and plans. Individuals can spend as little as $3.99 a month or as much as $19.99 a year. The family plan only comes at one price; $34.99 per-year. We will keep you updated as ore games are announced for the service.

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