Elder Scrolls Online,

Elder Scrolls Online: ZeniMax Has 2020 Plans And Beyond

Elder Scrolls Online isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. During GameSpot’s GameSpot Theatre at PAX Aus 2019, 12-year creative director Rich Lambert expressed they will continue to support ESO for the foreseeable future.

No specifics were given about 2020’s plans or beyond by Lambert, but he did note the importance of transparency and communications with the community. Communication being a thing Bethesda and ZeniMax as a whole has been iffy with to say the least since the launch of Fallout 76.

He expressed the hardships, though, such as how fans believe everything a developer says to the point they believe it to be “gospel”. He also expressed the challenge of fans expecting big changes in a short amount of time.

We f**k up, we make mistakes, we get it wrong sometimes. It’s hard to admit you get it wrong. The community will always tell you when you get it wrong.

Elder Scrolls Online hit a harsh start in 2014 when the developer decided to go with a $12.99 a month subscription. A year after that, ZeniMax did away with the subscription and made efforts to improve the game alongside console releases. This caused more of a playerbase to trickle its way through with 13.2 million users signing up to play since mid-2019.

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