Its been only a few weeks since the latest installment in the Devil May Cry series launched for PS4, Xbox One and PC, but the developer Capcom isn’t resting on its laurel as Bloody Palace is being made for Devil May Cry 5.
The Bloody Palace mode, which adds over 101 floors of enemies for you to rip, grind, and tear through, has now been added to the game. Players can expect non-stop combat, with enemies and bosses from the games 20+ levels appearing throughout.
What makes this mode especially fun is that you can play it with any of the games three protagonists. You can bag enemies as Nero, the robot-armed devil hunter. Mow down and slice through enemies as the Legendary Nephilim and fan favorite Dante. You could even stroll onto the battlefield reading poetry and summon demonic forces to aid you as everyone’s favorite “Hot Topic goth”, the mysterious V.
There’s been no word as of yet as to whether Capcom will be releasing any additional DLC for the game. However, according to DMC 5‘s director Hideaki Itsuno, more characters could be added into the game as DLC in the future, if enough fans ask for them.
What do you think about Devil May Cry 5 so far? Will this be enough to keep you playing? Let us know in the comments below.
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