Borderlands 3 launched their newest trailer and alongside an introduction to the characters, it also showed what some feared. On April 1, Nibellion indulged excited fans with a disheartening leak. It seems Borderlands 3 is launching as a six-month exclusive to the Epic Games Store. People begged for it to be a joke, as befitting the time of its posting. This was, however, debunked today with the most recent trailer.
This, by no means, is the first time Epic Games has snagged an existing IP as launched it on their platform as timed exclusives. Last month saw the release of Metro Exodus which drew in controversy over their decision to launch as an Epic Games Store exclusive after beginning to take pre-orders on Steam. That being said, those who bought through Steam still acquired the game.
They also acquired the rights to launch The Division 2 as a timed exclusive. Another “victim” of their purchase was Quantic Dream who is planning to launch Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, and Heavy Rain as timed exclusives.
Borderlands 3 is launching September 13, 2019 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
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